Stocks and cryptocurrencies bear many similarities, especially in the eyes of new investors. However, there are several key differences you should be aware of when deciding whether these assets have a place in your investment portfolio. Keep reading as we compare stocks vs. crypto, including key differences between the two along with the pros and cons of investing in either.
What happens to credit card debt when you die?
Have you ever wondered what happens to credit card debt when you die? Can lenders immediately seize funds from your cash or investment accounts? Can they harass your loved ones? Keep reading to find out.
How to start freelancing with no experience
Wondering how to start freelancing with no experience? Here's some food for thought, including pitfalls to avoid.
Who benefits from inflation?
Wondering who benefits from inflation – and how you can, too? Here's some food for thought regarding handling your finances amid inflation.
How much money should you have saved by 30?
Are you 30 years old (or thereabouts) and wondering how much money you should have saved by this point in life? Keep reading for some thoughts and frameworks that should help you determine whether you’re in a good spot.
Is investing gambling? Food for thought
sting can often feel like a game of chance. Some days, the market is up. Some days, it's down. So is investing gambling? Truthfully, it depends. Keep reading as I share some food for thought.
What to do if the stock market crashes
The stock market can be volatile. Sometimes, it hits record highs only to plummet a few days later. This can be challenging to witness, whether you've been investing for a few years or just a few months. Keep reading for some thoughts regarding what to do if the stock market crashes.
How to get rich from nothing: Here’s what it takes
Among the most damaging and misguided beliefs about money is that only those born into it are capable of becoming wealthy. In reality, more wealthy people are self-made than you might realize. Keep reading for proven tips regarding how to get rich from nothing and rewrite your financial story starting today!
Can you lose more than you invest in stocks?
for relatively new investors. One question that often arises is, "can you lose more than you invest in stocks?" Keep reading for the answer – and some tips for managing risk wisely when investing in the stock market.
How to get your finances back on track
Hitting a rough patch financially can be very discouraging. Thankfully, whether you spent recklessly or fell behind through no fault of your own, there are ways to rectify the situation. Keep reading to learn how to get your finances back on track.