Stocks and cryptocurrencies bear many similarities, especially in the eyes of new investors. However, there are several key differences you should be aware of when deciding whether these assets have a place in your investment portfolio. Keep reading as we compare stocks vs. crypto, including key differences between the two along with the pros and cons of investing in either.
Is investing gambling? Food for thought
sting can often feel like a game of chance. Some days, the market is up. Some days, it's down. So is investing gambling? Truthfully, it depends. Keep reading as I share some food for thought.
What to do if the stock market crashes
The stock market can be volatile. Sometimes, it hits record highs only to plummet a few days later. This can be challenging to witness, whether you've been investing for a few years or just a few months. Keep reading for some thoughts regarding what to do if the stock market crashes.
Can you lose more than you invest in stocks?
for relatively new investors. One question that often arises is, "can you lose more than you invest in stocks?" Keep reading for the answer – and some tips for managing risk wisely when investing in the stock market.
Is it too late to buy Bitcoin? 7 important points to consider
Since its introduction in 2009, Bitcoin has experienced a meteoric rise, to say the least. But where will Bitcoin go from here? Is it too late to buy Bitcoin? Keep reading as I explore this topic in great detail and provide some food for thought.
How to cash out Bitcoin: A beginner-friendly guide
If you're new to the world of cryptocurrencies, you may be wondering how to cash out Bitcoin. After all, even the most epic gains don't mean much if you can't convert your digital currency holdings back into dollars and buy a real-world Lamborghini. Keep reading as I share your various options for cashing out.
Acorns vs. Robinhood: Where should you put your money?
Acorns and Robinhood are two popular investing apps for beginners. However, they aren't interchangeable. Robinhood is designed for self-directed investors whereas Acorns offers managed financial solutions. Keep reading for a comparison of Acorns vs. Robinhood and some tips for deciding which platform is right for you.
How to invest $500 and start building wealth
One very common misconception among non-investors is that getting into the stock market requires a fortune. In reality, that's baloney. In this article, I'll show you how to invest $500 and begin building wealth today.
Is forex a scam? Here’s what you need to know
If you spend enough time reading investing-related content on social media, you'll inevitably bump into forex traders. They tend to be very aggressive in showing off their profits and recruiting new traders. But what's the deal? Is forex a scam? Or is there legitimate money to be made in this space? Keep reading to find out.
6 get rich quick schemes that are actually legit
Some people will always pursue get rich quick schemes. Perhaps you're one of them. In this article, I'll share some legitimate strategies for building wealth rapidly.