Have you ever wondered what happens to credit card debt when you die? Can lenders immediately seize funds from your cash or investment accounts? Can they harass your loved ones? Keep reading to find out.
How to pay off debt fast with a low income
Getting out of debt is challenging enough for people who earn decent money. If your income is low, it can seem downright impossible. It's not, though – keep reading for some tips regarding how to pay off debt fast with a low income.
What to do if you can’t pay your bills
Being unable to pay your bills can be nerve-wracking. You might be worried about losing your good credit score or even your home. Don't panic, though. In this article, I'll share a few tips regarding what to do if you can't pay your bills. Spoiler: You have more options than you might think.
How do credit card companies make money? The surprising truth
You probably know credit card companies make money via interest payments. That's not their only means of raking in the big bucks, though. Keep reading to learn more about how credit card companies turn consumers into cash cows.
What to do NOW if you’re drowning in debt
Drowning in debt is easily among modern life's most unpleasant experiences. It's also incredibly common, with 33% of Americans having debt that's currently in collections. The good news is that you don't have to stay trapped in debt's vicious cycle forever. Keep reading as I share some tips for breaking free and reclaiming your financial well-being.
13 simple tips for saving money while paying off debt
Life is all about balance. We're rarely able to focus on just a single priority for very long. The area of personal finance is no exception. In this article, I'll discuss how to pay off debt and save money at the same time without excessively diluting your efforts or jeopardizing your financial future.
How much credit card debt is too much?
A credit card is one of the most convenient forms of debt in the world. As a result, it's very easy to rack up a large balance. But how much credit card debt is too much?